
GTA 3 (Grand Theft Auto 3)

Pros: +Revolutionary sense of freedom +Fantastic game play +Good visuals +Great sound +Massive city.
Cons: -Some control issues.
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GTA 4 (Grand Theft Auto Vice City)

Pros: +Enormous, realistic city +Great choice of cars, motorcycles +Better story +Tons of stuff to do.
Cons: -Aiming is still frisky -Awkward controls, with no support for gamepads -Some audiovisual hiccups -Visuals haven’t aged particularly well.
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GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)

Pros: +Tons of variety +Well-written dialogue +Terrific casting +Great surprises +same strong game play.
Cons: -Unstable frame rate -Gang AI not too bright -Soundtrack could have been a bit better.
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Resident Evil 4

Pros: +Exciting action sequences pit you against awesome enemies and fearsome bosses +character models and environments look sharp and realistic +superb sound design keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Cons: -Controller required, thanks to complete lack of mouse support and mediocre keyboard controls -blurry cut scenes and other visual issues detract from the spooky ambiance.
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Need For Speed The Run

Pros: +Diverse assortment of cars that handle well +Gorgeous, varied courses modeled on real locations +A good number of race types keeps events enjoyable.
Cons: -Lengthy load times sap sense of momentum -Quick-time events and mob chases aren't enjoyable -Frustrating limitations on returning to the cross-country race.
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Far Cry 3

Pros: +A huge tropical world stuffed with fun things to do +Ecology and unpredictable creatures make the world come alive +Stealth and action come together in rewarding ways +Role-playing elements and difficulty curve give a sense of momentum +Great structure leads you from one activity to the next.
Cons: -Some design quirks lead to minor frustrations -Certain story elements break the immersion.
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Far Cry 2

Pros: +Incredible amount of freedom to approach each mission +50 square kilometers of visually stunning African landscape +Hefty single-player campaign should take at least 30 hours +Diverse reward and upgrade systems feed off each other very well +Robust map editor on all three versions.
Cons: -Story does very little with politically-charged setting -Traveling for long stretches can become tedious.
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Far Cry 1

Pros: +You run around in the jungle with guns and animal powers.
Cons: -Mediocre visuals hamper the game play -Dumb artificial intelligence -Frustrating sniper controls -Lame two-player multilayer.
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